Sunday, March 21, 2021

Inbound & Social Media Marketing Method: Review of and

Inbound & Social Media Marketing Approach

Following my recent blog post "Digital Development: Consumer’s use of technology " I decided to deepen my knowledge and acquire new skills by diving into inbound marketing and find out what are the best practices to apply it. This is why the present article has been dedicated to study and present how two companies who started recently their activities online approach inbound marketing. 

According to HubSpot (2019) inbound marketing methodology is about drawing peoples’ attention through quality content creation and social media tactics that will spread brand awareness, attract visitors, and encourage engagement to finally help with decision making. approach to inbound marketing is product oriented. Although their website is easy to navigate and mobile friendly, they are active in social media and regularly create and publish blog content to attract visitors, there are no call to action, No gated content such as ebooks, webinars or Live Q&A to engage the visitors and convert them into leads. Moreover, there is no social media button imbedded in the website to ease the engagement with the visitors.

           is customer oriented. Their website is mobile friendly with social media button at the bottom of the website. They provide their ideal buyer persona with the appropriate content such as information about the charity they are working with, where they source their products from to build relationship based on trust with their visitors and encourage conversion into leads. Among others, they got a call to action in the format of discount to help with decision making.

    Strengths and weaknesses of the marketing approach:

·         Blog Content: The published content lack the use of images, videos, and infographics... They also have no specific hierarchy in their website organising the pillar pages and the sub-topics with backlinks that are taking both in and off pages

SEO strategy: Based on Semrush analysis, the websites authority score is low, it ranks organically for a small number of keyword that are generating no traffic. Moreover, all the pages that have ranked for those keywords are positioned between 50 and 100

·         Review and testimonials: the readers are invited to leave reviews at the bottom of the blog’s articles but due to the low traffic generated no reviews has been recorded yet.

·         Social Media: The website cannot send traffic to social media platforms as there is no social media button.

·         CTAs: No call to action form has been detected on the website apart from the contact us webpage.

·         Blog content is visually attractive, it is mainly educative with intent to grow the number of prospects. It has imbedded links that can take the reader off the website to read more about their charitable activities, evidence of where they source their products from, industry research and check out educative videos. Unfortunately, the blog content haven't been updated since Oct 2019.

·        Social media is well used to engage and delight. Facebook is clearly their main social platform with they got over 9000 follower. 

·         SEO: According to Semrush analysis, their authority score is allow as well as the monthly traffic but they are well positioned for some keywords.

SEM: They use occasionally search engine marketing through the use of Pay Per Click

·        CTA: They have different forms of call to action that encourage visitors to leave their details and gain information related to the buyers and their positions in the buyer journey.

Which organization is best at inbound marketing?

Based on the analysis realised, “Oceanbluu” have a better inbound marketing approach. Their website is made in a way that inspire empathy as they showcase well the charity they work with and the source of their products.  They have a better presence in social media platforms making conversation easier, the blog content is visually more attractive even if it hasn’t been updated for over a year.


What could be improved?

Although both companies possess easy to navigate websites that are mobile friendly both could benefit from optimising the speed of their mobile sites. According to testmysite the mobile page speed is slow.

They also need to rethink their SEO strategy including the keywords targeting, content creation based on those keywords and the backlinks to increase their authority and traffic. In addition, they need to use CATs to increase conversion into leads and encourage their customers to leave reviews and Testimonials.


will benefit enormously from connecting their website to their social medial platforms, having a better structure and hierarchy in the blog content as well as enhancing the blog’s visuals (infographics and videos).


needs to be more regular when it comes to content creation and provide topics that can interest different prospects wherever they are in their buyer journey.

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